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Sunday, August 10, 2008

let the games begin

The Olympic games have officially started and to recognize that,
we want you to tell us all of your great ideas for getting your kids active!

What are some fun ways that you have brought the Olympics home into your own backyards??
Here are a few that we have found to inspire you...

Crab Walks – walk on your hands and feet with your tummy up
Bear Walk – walk on your hands and feet while keeping them straight and not bending your knees or elbows
Army Crawl – use your elbows and not legs to crawl
Wheel Barrow Race – with a partner, have one child hold the legs of the other and walk or run as the other uses the hands to move
Three Legged Race – tie one left leg and one right leg of two kids together while they walk along using three legs

Share your great ideas by leaving us a comment!!

1 comment:

Jes said...

For Family Night this week, we had a mini-Olympics. We took turns doing jumping jacks, sit-ups, push-ups, and a memorized scripture. We all won medals cut out of paper. Even the baby loved it and was waving his arms around while he watched us.

Another idea is a balance beam made from a 2x4, or even a string or tape on the ground.