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Saturday, August 9, 2008

Window painting

I got a cool idea to make homemade window paint. Just mix it up and let your kids go crazy on the windows from the outside.
dish soap
food coloring.
use equal amounts of each (except food coloring) until it has the consistency of pudding. Add food coloring for color. Get some paint brushes and let your kids go wild. then when they are done spray it down with the hose and voila. Clean windows!

1 comment:

Renee said...

That is a neat idea . . . easy recipe too. Safe for the little ones if they lick thier fingers. *smile* When my kids were little (my baby is 20 - so it has been awhile. *grin*) I used to give them empty ice cream pails full of water . . .Then I gave them big paint brushes. (the kind that most people won't use cuz the bristles always fall out. LOL) I also gave them rollers and filled all the buckets with water, and let them paint the house, or the tree, or each other. Was lots of fun on a hot summer day!
